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Here at the Baby Party, it has come to our notice that a recent ad featured an incorrect statement on the tax payment of our candidate. After suspending the ad from running, we inspected the statements and found that our press secretary incorrectly stated our candidate to have been paying around $1000 dollars in taxes from last year. After realizing this, we here at the Baby party were astounded and confused at this statement, and after an intense investigation, we have found the reason for this profound statement.

  To start our investigation, we looked at what Ash was doing last year. We found out that our candidate had hired a professional tax consultant to calculate and file his taxes. When Ash was given an offer to do an ad, Ash accepted, however, they needed to list how much they paid in taxes. So, Ash contacted the same consultant they had hired, asking for the amount of taxes they paid. The consultant however, accidentally misunderstood Ash’s request, as the wording was vague, and gave Ash the amount of tax they paid per every paycheck. This meant that Ash was receiving the amount of taxes they were paying every two weeks versus the amount of taxes they had paid during that year. Trusting that the consultant gave them the right amount, Ash did not check the tax amount before sending it to our Press Secretary Ashton, accidentally giving him the wrong amount. This ended up with Ashton receiving the information of Ash paying a total of $1,165 dollars in taxes as of last year. However, this number seemed extremely small when compared to Ash’s $121,000 paycheck, so our team investigated further.

  It was also found that Ashton had rounded Ash’s total down to $1,000 dollars, not wanting to seem overly boastful and flauntful of his money. With examination and some consulting with the tax consultant, our team was able to gather the correct amount of taxes Ash had paid. In total, Ash actually paid upwards of $33,797 dollars in tax money, which is more than 30% of the original stated amount. 

  With this realization in hand, the Baby Party would like to formally apologize for the incorrect information spread. We realize that this misinformation was in part, the fault of correct communication, and the Baby Party is working hard to make sure that this never happens again. Ash Chambless apologizes for their  mistake, and has worked hard to make it up. They have spent even more money in their donations, and have suspended the running of this commercial on all stations. The Baby Party has also put rules and strict checks to avoid another situation like this.


  We appreciate all our viewers for reaching out and letting us know about the situation at hand, and we promise to put more care into the details of our communication whether it be internally with our party, or externally with other businesses.

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