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First off, I would like to say. Thank you for giving me the chance to run for president I feel truly honored to have made it this far, but of course I could not have done it without my team of some of the smartest and most creative people I know. Although I hope we win this election, no matter what, we will do whatever we can to continue helping and progressing this amazing country. We in the baby party will give all the opportunities to those in need whether its convicted criminals looking to add to society or the of children the futter, gun violence will be a thing of a past after I am elected. We will rebalance the un by stopping our tendency of strongarming and rebalancing the un.overall There are some amazing Canidates that have done genuinely great jobs. We have some great opposition; I will be proud of this country no matter the outcome. Thank you for your time, and I hope we have your vote 

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