35 million people (about twice the population of New York) are identified as a human trafficking victims per day. We here at The Baby Party aim to provide better protection, not only to the citizens, but also victims of human trafficking. We have chosen to partner with the International Justice Mission (IJM) to work to make living conditions for them better. As a lot of victims have been trafficked in from different parts of the country or different countries entirely, the Baby Party and IJM is going to rent buildings near our office in New York City for the victims to live rent free and be given free healt-care and necessary provisions. We plan to give each victim access to proper mental health support and properly trained mental health professionals. Many victims refuse to come forward because their traffickers are still a danger to them. With our help, the victims of human trafficking will be better protected in our country. Through our partner we can put as many victims as possible through the witness protection program to keep them safe and protected. We will have trained guards inside our buildings in New York as well as a passcode and ID system to make sure no unsupervised personnel can enter the building without proper credentials. We only want what's best for our community, and those affected by Human Trafficking.
Baby Party Human Trafficking: Victims protection
Updated: Dec 9, 2023