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Baby Party School Shooting Prevention

Updated: Dec 9, 2023

We at the Baby Party pride ourselves on the safety of our youth. It has come to our attention that school shootings take place every day. We aim to provide better mental health outlets as well as school safety precautions. Using our partners at American School Counselor Association (ASCA) we will work to start by making sure each and every place of education has a qualified and trained School Counselor. We will implement new safety plans and more officers in neighboring areas. Each school will have a mandated form at the start of the school year asking what each student wants to happen through the following school year. Then we will hand these forms out to our partners at the ASCA and they will check in with each school to see how they can improve learning. We will also be partnering with Safe2Tell and have their representatives go around to each school and make a presentation, advertising that each student has support for if they need it. This will provide an alternative to kids who may be struggling with their mental health. We will be placing new security precautions in schools to make sure everyone is safe. Using Baby Party’s own budget and hosting fundraisers with Safe2Tell organization, we will raise money to add metal detectors and safety officers around schools as precautions.

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