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Writer's pictureGanondorf :3

Allowing All Stem Cells - Without Abuse

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

The subject of stem cells is one that is sensitive, yet one too important to ignore. We here at the Baby Party support all research related to stem cells, and want to allow this medical field to continue. We understand that some stem cells, specifically those relating to embryos, may be controversial, but with the right regulations in place, we believe that we can further the advancement of American Medicine.

The policy in question will have a multitude of regulations regarding funding and legality of each type of stem cell. Adult Stem Cells (ASCs), Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPSCs), and Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) are all listed in this policy. This policy is as follows:

Stem Cell Use and Funding” (SCUF):

  • The Use of Embryos and Embryonic Stem Cells

i. Embryos cannot be conceived solely for research/science reasons.

ii. An embryo must be acquired with the consent of the patient.

iii. No University/Industry may exceed the limit of 3 embryos per every 3-year term.

  • Funding of Stem Cells

a. The funding must be an appropriate amount of money. It must be enough to fund at least 2 years of research.

b. Embryonic Stem Cell research is eligible for funding; however, the funding amount will be less than research focused on IPSCs or ASCs.

c. The funding amount for research focused on IPSCs or ASCs is allowed to be 10-20% higher than ESCs, however, it cannot be below 10%, or higher than 20%.

d. For funding, an industry/university must have a credible reputation.

2. Products and Treatments

a. Treatments or Products using stem cells must meet all the requirements listed below:

i. The treatment/product is approved by the FDA in terms of safety.

ii. To be released to the public, the product/treatment must acquire the consent of the patient(s) who donated the cells or donated embryos for research.

iii. The product/treatment must be approved by the NIH for use.

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